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Socially Responsible Investing

Aligning Portfolios with Principles

Values Alignment

Values Alignment

Some investors identify products, industries, sectors, or practices they find morally offensive and, therefore, wish to avoid including in their investment portfolio. A values alignment approach seeks to eliminate companies that don’t meet the investor’s values.

Is a socially conscious approach right for you?

Is a socially conscious approach right for you?

It may be helpful to understand the profile of investors who actively pursue socially conscious investment strategies. Typically, these strategies appeal to socially or environmentally conscious investors who want their portfolios aligned with their beliefs and principles. 

Before you embark on establishing or adjusting your investment strategy, you should understand that there are no guarantees that investing will result in a profit. Socially responsible investing can involve integrating non-financial factors into investment analysis. Consider your personal overall goals, risk profile, and needs for diversification.